
As a rule, freshly harvested grain cannot be stored. Mold and bacteria can multiply. Their growth can lead to significant feed losses. Mycotoxins formed by them endanger the health of the animals. In order to prevent these reactions, freshly harvested grain must be preserved. Acid preservation is the most powerful and cost-effective preservation method. In addition to concentrated propionic acid, the user-friendly GrainSave NC is becoming increasingly important. Both products reliably prevent microbial spoilage in the treated grain and the quality is retained. Hygienic feed grain is available for the entire storage period. Either the whole grains or the ground grain can be preserved.

You can find more information at

  • Grain Save NC

    Grain Save NC 90

    Grain Save NC 90 is a buffered mixture of Propionic acid, Ammonium propionate and Propylene glycol. It contains a minimum of 92 % Propionic acid. The special composition of active substances protects silage against heating up and moulding. The growth of undesirable yeasts, moulds and bacteria and the spoilage are inhibited.


    Field of application

    For all silages with heating up problems



    The dosage is dependent on the field of application

    Following application levels are recommended:


    Complete treatment

    4 – 6 l / to

    Surface and layer treatment

    Per square metre 0,5 l Grain save NC 90 (mixed with 2 l water)

    layer thickness ca. 20 - 25 cm, treatment of 2 – 3 layers


    Alternatively the complete treatment of last loads is possible.


    Stabilization of TMR

    3,5 l / to TMR


    Please note

    The usage of acids and their mixtures for conservation properties demands the HACCP – protocol.

    There you can find the safety data sheet of Grain Save NC 90

  • Propionic acid

    Propionic acid

    Propionic acid is a clear slightly yellow, strong smelling fluid. Its concentration is 99,5 % Propionic acid. This acid is able to inhibit moulds and yeasts, therefore improving the aerobic stability of treated silage.

    Propionic acid is DLG – proven in group 2.

    Field of application

    For all silages with heating up problems



    The dosage is dependent on the field of application.

    The following application levels are recommended:


    DM- content (%)l/to
    < 25 %4
    25 - 35 %5
    > 35 %6


    For total treatment of CCM and wet maize the dosage depends on storage time:

    • storage period of 1 to 6 month: 5 liters per ton
    • storage period of 6 to 12 month: 7 liters per ton


    Surface and layer treatment

    Per square metre 0,5 l Propionic acid (mixed with 2 l water)

    layer thickness ca. 20 - 25 cm, treatment of 2 – 3 layers


    Alternatively the complete treatment of last loads is possible.


    Stabilization of TMR

    3 l / to TMR


    Stabilization of liquid feed

    0,15 - 0,25 %


    Additional information about the treatment of by products are here.


    Please note

    Propionic acid is corrosive. During application use protective gloves and safety glasses.

    The usage of acids and their mixtures for conservation properties demands the HACCP – protocol.

    There you can find the safety data sheet of Propionic acid.


AGRAVIS Nutztier GmbH