Products for Forage Plants

Biological silage additives

  • SiloFerm / SiloFerm HC


    Siloferm is a biological additive, which contains specially selected, extra efficient working homofermantative lactic acid bacteria. It can be applied to the silage in liquid or granulated form. The special combination of different lactic acid bacteria controls the run of fermentation effectively and accelerates it. This results in a higher quality of treated silage and a minimization of the fermentation losses. Silages are more palatable, which results in a better feed intake.


    Siloferm is DLG-tested group 1b, 4a, 4b, 4c (milk). The improvement of silage quality and animal performance (more milk) has been proven.


    SiloFerm / SiloFerm HC – Gras

    Your advantage

    • Faster lactic acid fermentation
    • Inhibition of mal-fermentation/ butyric acid fermentation
    • Reduction of fermentation losses
    • Improvement of silage quality and palatability


    Field of Application

    The use of Siloferm is recommended with the following forage:

    • grass silage (25 -40 % dry matter)
    • bale silage
    • silo maize




    10 g Siloferm per tonne forage

    100 g per sachet, enough for 10 tonne ensilage goods or 14 - 17 m³ silo space.

    Dissolve one sachet of Siloferm into 20 litres of water stirring continuously and spray on 2 litres/ tonne forage.

    Siloferm HC

    2,24 g pellets per tonne forage

    280 g per bag, enough for 125 tonne ensilage goods or 75 - 80 m³ silo space

    Dissolve one sachet in 2,5 litre water and apply 20 ml / ton silage.



    Tests have shown that the process of lactic acid fermentation can be influenced positively through the correct use of Siloferm.

    Treated silages also demonstrate better digestibility and a higher energy concentration, which, in turn, results in improved animal performance.

    Digestibility of the organic substance (%)



    33% dry matter

    pH value4,384,22
    lactic acid (% dry matter)8,949,95
    acetic acid (% dry matter)2,142,16


    43% dry matter

    pH value4,514,29
    lactic acid (% dry matter)7,448,37
    acetic acid (% dry matter)1,630,99


    54% dry matter

    pH value4,774,38
    lactic acid (% dry matter)4,766,91
    acetic acid (% dry matter)0,980,59


    Important information

    Careful examination has shown that our product, when used according to the directions for use, is suited for the recommended purposes. If biological silage additives are used, then the ensilage and removal technique has to be very good. Plant cultivation errors (e.g. cutting too late) and ensilage technique errors (e.g. compression and covering) cannot be compensated. We are liable for the consistent quality of the product, not for the risks of storage and use.

  • ProFerm / ProFerm HC


    ProFerm / ProFerm HC is a biological additive, which contains specially selected homofermentative lactic acid bacteria. The special combination of different lactic acid bacteria effectively controls the run of fermentation and accelerates it. This results in a higher quality of treated silage and a minimization of the fermentation losses.


    Field of application

    • moderate to ferment to easy to ferment silage
    • especially: wilted grass with 25 - 35 % DM




    0,5 g ProFerm pro t silage

    250 g per sachet, enough to treat 50 to or 70-85 m³ silage

    Standard application (0,5– 2 l/t)

    ProFerm HC

    0,8 g ProFerm HC/ t silage

    200 g per sachet, enough to treat 250 to or 350 - 425 m³ silage

    Micro application (20 – 150 ml/t)

    Dissolve a bag of ProFerm HC in 5 l of water whilst stirring constantly and pour it into the special tank.

    20 ml of high concentrate per tonne forage are evenly sprayed on with a suitable dispensing technology (BioDos LD, BioDos ProfiLine).

    Unused, dissolved product can be stored temporarily for up to 4 days in the refrigerator.


    Important information

    Careful examination has shown that our product, when used according to the directions for use, is suited for the recommended purposes. If biological silage additives are used, then the ensilage and removal technique has to be very good. Plant cultivation errors (e.g. cutting too late) and ensilage technique errors (e.g. compression and covering) cannot be compensated. We are liable for the consistent quality of the product, not for the risks of storage and use.

    ProFerm is mixed with water and can be used immediately. The application amount depends on the type of applicator.


    ProFerm / Proferm HC – Gras
  • BioCool / BioCool HC


    BioCool is a biological additive, which contains the specially selected, extra efficient working heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus buchneri and enzymes Lactobacillus bucheri supports the natural lactic acid fermentation and simultaneously improves the aerobic stability of silages during feeding out of the clamp. Additional to lactic acid is Lactobacillus buchneri able to produce a few mould inhibitory substances. Well know are acetic acid and propylene glycole. Spoilage of silage, caused by yeasts and moulds are effectively inhibited.


    BioCool is DLG-tested in group 2. The improvement of aerobic stability has been proven. It has been proved that the silage durability improves when exposed to the air.


    Mais – BioCool

    Your advantage

    • Inhibitiion of heating up
    • Improvement of aerobic stability
    • Inhibition of moulding
    • Inhibition of removal losses


    Field of Application

    The use of BioCool is recommended with the following forage (amongst others):

    • Silages with heating up problems
    • Especially: Maize
    • Grass silage > 35 % DM
    • CCM and high moisture corn silage
    • Whole crop grain




    • 6 g BioCool per tonne forage
    • 150 g per sachet, enough for 25 tonne ensilage goods or 35 - 40 m3 silo space.
    • Dissolve one sachetof BioCool into 50 litres of water stirring continuously and apply 2 litres / tonne silage

    BioCool HC

    • 2,4 g BioCool HC per tonne forage
    • 300 g per sachet, enough for 125 tonne ensilage goods or 195 m3 silo space.
    • Dissolve one sachet of BioCool HC into 2,5 litres of water stirring continuously and apply 20 ml / tonne silage.

    Depending on dispensing possibilities, the concentration of the solution can vary.



    Experiments have shown that the addition of BioCool improves aerobic durability. The treated silages were strained significantly less by yeasts. A heating up could not be observed.


    Important information

    Careful examination has shown that our product, when used according to the directions for use, is suited for the recommended purposes. If biological silage additives are used, then the ensilage and removal technique has to be very good. Plant cultivation errors (e.g. cutting too late) and ensilage technique errors (e.g. compression and covering) cannot be compensated. We are liable for the consistent quality of the product, not for the risks of storage and use.

  • CCM-Stabilizer


    CCM–Stabilizer is a biological additive for improving the aerobic stability of Corn Cob Mix (CCM) after removal from the silo. The lactic acetic acid bacteria used in the CCM-Stabilizer were especially selected for the CCM field of application. They support the lactic acetic acid fermentation and enhance the stability of the CCM silage during air admission through their purposeful transformation into acetic acid. Losses caused by yeasts and moulds and the related heating up can be avoided.

    CCM-Stabilizer has been tested in practice (table). It has been proved that the silage durability improves when exposed to the air.


    CCM-Stabilizer is DLG-tested in group 2. The improvement of aerobic stability has been proven. It has been proved that the silage durability improves when exposed to the air.


    CCM Stabilizer
    CCM Stabilizer Gebinde


    • Improved aerobic stability
    • No secondary fermentation due to yeasts and moulds
    • Reduced contamination with undesired microorganisms and better hygienic value
    • Support of natural lactic acid fermentation
    • Improved palatability and better feed intake


    Field of Application

    The use of CCM-Stabilizer is especially recommended for CCM.

    Dissolve one packet of CCM stabilizer into 100 litres of water stirring continuously and spray on 5 litres/ tonne fodder. Depending on dispensing possibilities, the concentration of the solution can vary. However, the amount must not fall below the recommended quantity of 5 litres per tonne CCM.



    • 12 g CCM-Stabilizer per t CCM
    • 240 g per bag, enough for the treatment of 20 tonne CCM


    Important information

    Careful examination has shown that our product, when used according to the directions for use, is suited for the recommended purposes. The optimal storage duration of the treated silage is 4 - 6 weeks before opening. If biological silage additives are used, then the ensilage and removal technique has to be very good. Plant cultivation errors and ensilage technique errors (e.g. compression and covering) cannot be compensated. We are liable for the consistent quality of the product, not for the risks of storage and use.

    Trivial results

    Investigation of the storage stability of CCM treated with CCM-Stabilizer
    Probename8. März 20018. Juni 200110. Juli 2001
    Probenamedry matter (%)8. März 200161,48. Juni 200161,010. Juli 200160,1
    ProbenamepH value8. März 20014,38. Juni 20014,210. Juli 20014,3
    Probenameyeats (CFU/g)8. März 2001< 5008. Juni 2001< 10010. Juli 2001< 100
    Probenamemoulds (CFU/g)8. März 2001< 208. Juni 2001< 6010. Juli 200120
    Probenamelactic acid bacteria (CFU/g)8. März 20014,4 x 1088. Juni 20012,7 x 10710. Juli 20011,2 x 108
    Probenameother bacteria (CFU/g)8. März 2001< 4008. Juni 2001< 80010. Juli 2001< 400

Chemical silage additives

  • RaicoSil Hay

    RaicoSil Hay

    RaicoSil Hay is the first preservative for hay that contains a unique combination of salts of selected preservatives. Due to its special product formulation RaicoSil Hay is neither corrosive nor aggressive and is classified as a neutral salt. The use of acid-proof application systems is therefore not necessary. The dosage itself takes place during the pressing process, in the pickup of the press.



    • significantly shorter harvest timeslot (minus two days)
    • better quality
    • better hygiene status
    • lower losses (mechanical and non-mechanical)
    • Avoidance of the Maillard reaction (sugar and protein) (ADL)


    Direction of use

    RaicoSil Hay is a preservative for hay from dry matter contents of 80 % dry matter (or 20 % moisture) and more. RaicoSil Hay is sprayed on the pick-up of the baler during the pressing process. It must be ensured that the whole swath width is evenly treated. The concentration of the solution shall be not changed. The use of two spraying nozzles is recommended.



    250 g / t hay diluted in water, 10 kg enough for the treatment of 40 t hay

    Dissolve 1 bag of 10 kg in 30 litre water. Top the volume up to 40 litres.

    Do not dilute further.

    RaicoSil Hay is ready to use immediately on hydration and is stable for 4 weeks.


    Trial results

    Square bales, more than three months storage

    The microbial contamination of undesirable bacteria and moulds was significantly reduced in both wet hay and dry hay after addition of RaicoSil Hay.

     ControlRaicoSil Hay < 85 % DMRaicoSil Hay > 85 % DM
    Bacteria (CFU / g)640.00021.3307330
    Moulds (CFU / g)82.00018.80026.000



  • Kofasil Plus / Kofasil Liquid


    Kofasil is a highly efficient, chemical ensilage agent (neutral salt), which should be used specifically for the ensilage of silages in the lower dry matter range (< 30 % dry matter). Depending on requirements, it can be introduced into the silage in the form of liquid or pellets. The active agents contained in Kofasil were chosen specifically to be used for fodder that is difficult to ensilage. They actively suppress the damaging clostridium and thereby encourage the desired lactic acid fermentation.

    Kofasil Plus / Kofasil Liquid


    • avoids misfermentation, especially butyric acid formation
    • encourages the natural lactic acid fermentatio
    • ensures conservation success and silage quality
    • guarantees a high level of savouriness
    • actively reduces the clostridium spores content
    • improves milk quality


    Field of Application

    The use of Kofasil is especially recommended for the following forage:

    • grass with < 30 % dry matter
    • rain-swept withered goods
    • lucerne silage with < 35 % dry matter



    Kofasil Plus

    • 2 to 3 kg / tonne ensilage goods
    • DLG certification mark 1a, 4a, 5a


    Kofasil liquid

    • 2 to 3 l / tonne ensilage goods
    • DLG certification mark 1a, 1b, 4a, 5a


    Important information

    Careful examination has shown that our product, when used according to the directions for use, is suited for the recommended purposes. Plant cultivation errors (e.g. cutting too late) and ensilage technique errors (e.g. compression and covering) cannot be compensated. We are liable for the consistent quality of the product, not for the risks of storage and use.



  • Grain Save NC

    Grain Save NC 90

    Grain Save NC 90 is a buffered mixture of Propionic acid, Ammonium propionate and Propylene glycol. It contains a minimum of 92 % Propionic acid. The special composition of active substances protects silage against heating up and moulding. The growth of undesirable yeasts, moulds and bacteria and the spoilage are inhibited.


    Field of application

    For all silages with heating up problems



    The dosage is dependent on the field of application

    Following application levels are recommended:


    Complete treatment

    4 – 6 l / to

    Surface and layer treatment

    Per square metre 0,5 l Grain save NC 90 (mixed with 2 l water)

    layer thickness ca. 20 - 25 cm, treatment of 2 – 3 layers


    Alternatively the complete treatment of last loads is possible.


    Stabilization of TMR

    3,5 l / to TMR


    Please note

    The usage of acids and their mixtures for conservation properties demands the HACCP – protocol.

    There you can find the safety data sheet of Grain Save NC 90

  • Lupro-Mix NA

    Lupro-Mix NA

    Lupro-Mix NA is a buffered and highly effective mixture of propionic acid and formic acid. The natural lactic acid fermentation will be supported and active substances protect the ensilages safely from heating up and molding. The growth of yeast, molds and bacteria will be avoided and the hygiene of feed will be saved.


    Lupro-Mix NA is DLG-proven. In group 1a,b, 2

    Lupro-Mix NA

    Field of Application

    • For all silages with heating up problems
    • Especially recommended for Corn Cob Mix, ground ear maize and ensilaged wet maize.
    • For different to ferment silages depending on DM - content



    The dosage is dependent of the field of application

    Following application levels are recommended:


    DM-contentl / t
    < 25 %4
    25 – 35 %3
    > 35 %4


    For total treatment of CCM and wet maize the dosage depends on storation time:

    • storage period of 1 to 6 month: 5 liters per ton
    • storage period of 6 to 12 month: 7 liters per ton


    Surface and layer treatment

    Per square metre 0,5 l Lupro- Mix NA (mixed with 2 l water)

    layer thickness ca. 20 - 25 cm, treatment of 2 – 3 layers


    Alternatively the total treatment of last loadings is possible.


    Stabilization of TMR

    3 l / to mixed ration

    Stabilization on liquid feed

    0,15 - 0,25 %


    Please note

    The usage of acids and their mixtures for conservation properties demands the HACCP – protocol.

    There you can find the safety data sheet of Lupro-MIX NA

    Additional information about the treatment of by products are here.


  • Propionic acid

    Propionic acid

    Propionic acid is a clear slightly yellow, strong smelling fluid. Its concentration is 99,5 % Propionic acid. This acid is able to inhibit moulds and yeasts, therefore improving the aerobic stability of treated silage.

    Propionic acid is DLG – proven in group 2.

    Field of application

    For all silages with heating up problems



    The dosage is dependent on the field of application.

    The following application levels are recommended:


    DM- content (%)l/to
    < 25 %4
    25 - 35 %5
    > 35 %6


    For total treatment of CCM and wet maize the dosage depends on storage time:

    • storage period of 1 to 6 month: 5 liters per ton
    • storage period of 6 to 12 month: 7 liters per ton


    Surface and layer treatment

    Per square metre 0,5 l Propionic acid (mixed with 2 l water)

    layer thickness ca. 20 - 25 cm, treatment of 2 – 3 layers


    Alternatively the complete treatment of last loads is possible.


    Stabilization of TMR

    3 l / to TMR


    Stabilization of liquid feed

    0,15 - 0,25 %


    Additional information about the treatment of by products are here.


    Please note

    Propionic acid is corrosive. During application use protective gloves and safety glasses.

    The usage of acids and their mixtures for conservation properties demands the HACCP – protocol.

    There you can find the safety data sheet of Propionic acid.


  • Potassium sorbate

    Potassium sorbate

    Potassium sorbate is a granulated chemical conservation product to improve aerobic stability and hygienic value of silage. The effect of sorbic acid contained in potassium sorbate range mainly against yeasts and moulds, however, also many bacteria are inhibited. Spoilage by undesirable microorganisms is avoided and feed hygiene is safe.


    Field of application

    • For all silages with heating up problems
    • Especially recommended for TMR and by products



    The application shall be done as a solution. For this dissolve potassium sorbate in the ratio 1:1 or 1:2 in water.

    Potassium sorbate is non corrosive. Application systems for bacteria are able to be used.

    The dosage is dependent on the field of application. Following application levels are recommended:


    Complete treatment

    Total treatment of CCM and wet maize: 500 g / t

    Grass and maize silages with > 40 % DM: 400 g / t


    Surface and layer treatment

    Per square metre 200 – 300 g

    layers thickness ca. 20 - 25 cm, treatment of 2 – 3 layers


    Alternatively the complete treatment of last loads is possible.


    Stabilization of TMR

    200 – 300 g / to


    Stabilization of liquid by products

    200 – 300 g / t


    Please note

    The usage of acids and their mixtures for conservation properties demands the HACCP – protocol.



Die Wirtschaftlichkeit des gezielten Siliermitteleinsatzes wird nach wie vor kritisch hinterfragt. Anhand von betriebsspezifischen Daten wie z.B. Ertrag, TS-Gehalt und Silagequalität lässt sich die Wirtschaftlichkeit von Siliermitteln errechnen. Hier geht es zum

Rechner für Futterpflanzen

Rechner für Biogas

AGRAVIS Nutztier GmbH